I'm Jaco, a freelance graphic designer, software developer and writer. I run Animus Media. I currently reside in South Africa, but the digital age has made it possible to do business with any other entity who is connected to the internet. My skills? I can basically create nice looking things and also program them to interact and do useful things, plus I can wield words in a manner that makes the mundane sound quite wondrous.
I'm also a crypto currency enthusiast. Animus Media is very excited about this private money, and likes to teach others about it.
I have an extensive toolbox of skills that can build you almost any desktop/mobile app, and I can normally handle every aspect of it alone. I have also gained extensive experience in different industries and businesses in my 20+ years of freelancing.
My technology of preference is the .NET & Core Frameworks with the C# language. I naturally have different levels of experience in many other technologies too.
Below is my skillset at a glance, based on experience levels...